
Cat Being Examined by Resident

What to Expect at Your Appointment

Note: New appointments are generally two to three hours in length, and recheck appointments are generally one to one and a half hours in length.

Although appointments with us might be a bit longer than visiting a regular veterinarian, your pet will be seen by a team with a great amount of collective knowledge and expertise. Our collaboration with the specialty areas of our hospital gives us unique insight into your pet's health issues.

Most dermatology patients can expect the following at their appointment:

New clients can expedite their check-in time by filling out a History Form. If you do not fill this form out and bring it with you to your appointment, please arrive 15 minutes early.

  1. A senior veterinary student will greet you and your pet in the lobby.
  2. A history and physical examination will then be performed in an examination room.
  3. The student will present the case to the veterinarian who will perform another physical examination and obtain additional history.
  4. Samples may be taken and will be reviewed at that time.
  5. The veterinarian will discuss the findings with you and review the therapy options for your pet.
  6. If further diagnostics are required (intradermal skin testing, biopsies, ear flush), these generally will be performed during the afternoon, and your pet will be discharged later that day.
Veterinarian Examining Dog Ear

Check Today's Pollen Count

pollen count graphic

Pollen can aggravate your pet's skin issues and allergies. View Your Local Pollen Count so you can be prepared.

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Contact Dermatology

(970) 297-5000

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