
What to Expect at Your Appointment

Our service is responsible for the training of veterinary students, as well as residents in neurology, on the intricacies of the neurological exam and its interpretation. Our veterinary students will be an integral part of the care of your pet, but a veterinarian will always be the one to treat your animal or perform surgery.

Most Neurology Patients Can Expect the Following at Their Appointment:

  1. A fourth-year veterinary student will greet you and your pet and take you to an exam room.
  2. The student will have a discussion with you to obtain a detailed general and neurological history about your pet.
  3. The student will then complete a general physical exam on your pet.
  4. The student will then take your pet to our neurological exam facility to perform a complete neurological exam, which includes:
    • Discussing your pet's history and physical exam findings with the veterinarian assigned to care for your pet.
    • Completing a full neurological exam together with the veterinarian.
    • Engaging in a discussion with the veterinarian about the findings of the neurological exam, the neuroanatomic localization of the problem, the differential list of potential causes for the problem, and the diagnostic and/or treatment options.
  5. Both the veterinarian and the student will return to the exam room with your pet, where the veterinarian will go through an in-depth discussion of the exam findings which covers all potential diagnostic and treatment options available to further evaluate the neurological problem. You also will be provided an estimate of the associated costs of the options.
  6. If you elect to proceed with futher diagnostic procedures or treatment, your pet may be admitted to the hospital. Depending on the diagnostics, your pet may be admitted for several hours or for longer.
  7. You will be contacted by phone at least twice daily with updates on the condition of your animal and results of performed diagnostics/procedures for as long as your pet remains in the hospital.
  8. You may visit your pet in the hospital.
  9. Upon discharge from the hospital, the veterinarian will discuss with you the details of any test results or procedures and any at-home care for your pet, such as instructions for administering any prescribed medications. You also will be given paper copies of discharge instructions, at-home care, diagnostic test results, and medication instructions.
  10. You will then be escorted to the Client Services to check out and pay for your animal's treatment.
  11. If necessary, you also will schedule any follow-up appointments for your pet.